Support to Local Authorities
Integrated Care Boards

How we can help.....

Our team consists of highly qualified and motivated professionals, with a thorough understanding of Care Provision. We have many years of experience in the Health and Social Care Sector. Here is how we can help.....

Reduce Placement wait times.

It is a well known fact that Social Workers & Discharge liaison Nurses are under constant pressure to discharge patients as quickly and efficiently as possible.
We can alleviate some of those pressures by sourcing placements in desired locations speedily.

Reduce placement wait times.

More Successful Outcomes for Service Users

For a family placing a loved one in a Social Care environment - is a daunting and complex process. Making the right match can also be a lengthy and stressful process. We aim to reduce the complexity and alleviate the stress to support a successful outcome for the Service User.
With our support the transition is more streamlined resulting in a more speedy move into care which benefits not only the Service Users & family but also our NHS - reducing time in hospital placements.

Successful Outcomes

Faster Discharge Times

Once patients are medically fit for discharge, Ward & Hospital Managers need to discharge as soon as practicable, whether that is to the community or indeed back home. We can help match Care packages to the Individual.

Faster Discharge Times

The High Cost of delayed discharge.

According to Age UK (2019). The cost of delayed discharge to the NHS IS £27,000 per hour.
This has largely been attributed to the delay in finding suitable placements. We can significantly reduce the waiting times by doing the leg work for you.

Cost of delayed discharge.



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A1 Care Home Solutions Limited


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